
Fitness Central Jordan Ride

Wed, 09/14/2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Every Wednesday we will be leading 2 rides from the tennis court parking lot at Jordan Creek Parkway so there is something available for everybody.

1. Social, casual pace ride led by Andrew. This ride will stop frequently to regroup and cover approximately 8-10 miles. Expect to ride until 7:15 or so.

2. Fast paced training ride led by Rob. This ride is intended for those riders seeking more riding and less socializing. We will cover approximately 15 miles and ride until 7:15-7:30 or until it gets dark.

Event Type: 

Fitness Central Jordan Ride

Wed, 09/07/2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Every Wednesday we will be leading 2 rides from the tennis court parking lot at Jordan Creek Parkway so there is something available for everybody.

1. Social, casual pace ride led by Andrew. This ride will stop frequently to regroup and cover approximately 8-10 miles. Expect to ride until 7:15 or so.

2. Fast paced training ride led by Rob. This ride is intended for those riders seeking more riding and less socializing. We will cover approximately 15 miles and ride until 7:15-7:30 or until it gets dark.

Event Type: 

Cutters Sunday Morning Ladies Sals Ride

Sun, 08/28/2011 - 10:00am to 12:00pm

This will be a weekly ladies mtn ride at Sals led by Lisa Ronca. Meet at Cutters Bike Shop at 9:30-9:45 and head to the trail from there. Pace will be according to group, all ladies are welcome. Terrain is intermediate to advanced. Rain cancels ride, if unsure of weather check our website or facebook fanpage for updated info. Hope to see you there!

Event Type: 

Cutters Thunder Thursday Ride**CANCELLED DUE TO RAIN**

Thu, 08/25/2011 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

This will be a weekly ride at Sals led by John Ronca from Cutters Bike Shop. We are going to be realistic on pace. This will be a fast, nonstop pace. We aren't racing but it may feel like it. Meet at Cutters Bikes shop and head out to the trail at 5:30pm. Rain cancels ride, call the shop if unsure of weather. If running late or caught in the local traffic call the shop so we can wait a few minutes or meet up with you on the trail. (610)419-4027

Event Type: 

RB Winter Group Ride

Sun, 10/16/2011 - 7:00am to 4:00pm

All other info to be determined later, all I want is to reserve the date and location for now...

RB Winter State Park is an awesome place, Pennsylvania riding at its best: roots, rocks, hills, and breathtaking scenery. The vistas are especially amazing in the fall foliage season, which is why I try to get up there every year about this time.

Event Type: 

VMB Ride Series - Moosic

Sun, 09/04/2011 - 8:30am to 8:00pm

Never been to Moosic, but with a GPS track and map we should be fine.

Meet in Trivet on Tilghman St at 8:30am, have breakfast, then head up.

Plan on a full day - we won't get back until after dinner.

Event Type: 

Blue Mtn NY - Friday blast off

Fri, 08/26/2011 - 10:30pm

The man has me chained to desk out of town all next week. The payback - an all day bikeride of course - on Friday

anyone that wants join in just post up. The pace and distance will be determined by the group but we will be sure to hit up all the fun/fast trails. If we stick to the 10:30 start time, that leaves about 1.5 hours of fun, then lunch and another 1.5 hour of spinning. That should put us back on the road by 2:30ish for an easy drive back to the valley.

I'm actually driving over from Morristown so we'll have to meet up at the park.

Event Type: 

Cutters Sunday Morning Ladies Sals Ride

Sun, 08/21/2011 - 10:00am to 12:30pm

This will be a weekly ladies mtn ride at Sals led by Lisa Ronca. Meet at Cutters Bike Shop at 9:30-9:45 and head to the trail from there. Pace will be according to group, all ladies are welcome. Rain cancels ride, if unsure of weather check our website or facebook fanpage for updated info. Hope to see you there!

Event Type: 


Thu, 08/25/2011 - 11:00am to 4:00pm

Going to Diablo mid week! Anyone interested? I can fit 2+myself. Going regardless. :ihih: anyone wanna play hooky? I'm leaving from home around 9.

Event Type: 

CANCELLED - Fitness Central Jordan Ride

Wed, 08/31/2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Every Wednesday we will be leading 2 rides from the tennis court parking lot at Jordan Creek Parkway so there is something available for everybody.

1. Social, casual pace ride led by Andrew. This ride will stop frequently to regroup and cover approximately 8-10 miles. Expect to ride until 7:15 or so.

2. Fast paced training ride led by Rob. This ride is intended for those riders seeking more riding and less socializing. We will cover approximately 15 miles and ride until 7:15-7:30 or until it gets dark.

Event Type: 
