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Riding with Robbie costs....

Riding with Robbie costs.

Price of new Dura Ace brake pads: $35.00
New Dura Ace Chain: $85.00
New Dura Ace Cassette: $155.00
New Mavic Ksyrium Rim only: $225.00

Riding around in the rain on muddy dirt farm roads for SIX hours, lost cold, hungry and (eventually) in the dark: Priceless...

Don't ever call me to ride again, Rob. I can't afford it.

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Power of the Power Puck

You may have heard Joey make reference to John Dude and his "Power Puck". This is the Dude. This is the Dude's Power Puck. Right there on his keester. This cosmic energy source is what the Dude taps into on his long rides for energy and inspiration. Have you ever ridden with the Dude? Have you wondered where the heck he comes up with some of the terrific material he says while riding?

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Come Kool With Our Gang!

Paying homeage to the man is tough. For Bud, knowing a ride is out without him is even tougher. WHat are these people thinking in the photo? Why is Bud Smiling? Did he really turn green this summer from drinking from too much Monster? What is Dan looking up at , and why is Cody laughing? Oh to have been there...

Comments please.

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14 Foot Tall Bud

Perhaps this summer you saw what Robbie refered to as the funniest story on VMB -- Joey's 14' Tall Bud. Well, for the months of December and January, you can ride out to the cyclists haven known as the Uptown Espresso Bar in Kutztown see him for yourself. All 14 feet of him. Bud. Big Bud, attached right to the front of the building! Check it out. Bud, we're going to take your photo next to you. Ahhhhhhhhh........

BTW, my brother made it --

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