Power of the Power Puck

You may have heard Joey make reference to John Dude and his "Power Puck". This is the Dude. This is the Dude's Power Puck. Right there on his keester. This cosmic energy source is what the Dude taps into on his long rides for energy and inspiration. Have you ever ridden with the Dude? Have you wondered where the heck he comes up with some of the terrific material he says while riding? Joey swears that the Dude's Power Puck is some sort of universal black hole or interplanetary vortex that the Dude taps into for communication with otherworldly forces. Perhaps it is a metaphysical sub-port of some sort for the Dude's incredible mental energy to shift through the time-space continuum for inspiration.

The Dude just says it's haute coture.

Robbie simply says "That's so hot..."

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