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Dale's Trails Night Sessions

In a few sort months, the under-lights night sessions at Dales have become well known in the BMX and MTB community. The sun is setting on this years DJ season as weather gets more and more tricky. Big session tonight. May be the last one...

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Nice Rack(s)? !!

Surely a sign that Fall is around the corner, these guys were goofing around today at SML near the steps. The celly photo is crappy but they are either a 4 and 6 point buck or 6 and 8 point. It was a little hard to tell. These two were going at it a little-clashing antlers like 20 feet away from me. Never saw that before. Of course, there were about a half-dozen does right around that area too.Go figure.

The bigger buck didn't like it too much when I did the fake antler thing with my index fingers next to my head!

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