
Saturday Ride

Sat, 03/02/2013 - 10:00am to 2:00pm

Anyone interested in a ride tomorrow? I'm thinking SMB or Sals, if the trails aren't too bad (anybody know how the trails are now?), or on the road if needed, with stop for donuts or drinks.

Event Type: 

Wednesday Ride - South Mtn Emmaus *canceled*

Wed, 02/27/2013 - 5:15pm to 7:30pm

All riders are welcome. We stop and re-group often, nobody ever gets dropped.

Meeting Location: parking lot at the end of Alpine St.

Ride Time: Meet at 5:15, riding by 5:30 (we start riding as soon as everyone that signed up arrives, or 5:30 - whichever comes first)

Lights will be needed for this ride.

Ride will be followed by a stop for food and :beer:

Rain cancels.

Event Type: 

Towpath Ride

Mon, 02/25/2013 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm

Easing myself into the nascent bike season with a nice moderate towpath ride, starting from Sand Island at 7:00 PM, and heading east at an easy pace for about 45 minutes before turning around. Sign up or message me if you're going, and I'll know to meet or wait for you at Sand Island.

Event Type: 

Wednesday Ride - South Mtn Bethlehem

Wed, 02/20/2013 - 5:15pm to 7:30pm

All riders are welcome. We stop and re-group often, nobody ever gets dropped.

Meeting Location: LOWER Parking lot at Seidersville Rd and Mountain Dr

Ride Time: Meet at 5:15, riding by 5:30 (we start riding as soon as everyone that signed up arrives, or 5:30 - whichever comes first)

Lights will be needed for this ride.

Ride will be followed by a stop for food and :beer:

Rain cancels.

Event Type: 

Wednesday Ride - South Mtn Bethlehem *canceled*

Wed, 02/13/2013 - 5:15pm to 7:30pm

All riders are welcome. We stop and re-group often, nobody ever gets dropped.

Meeting Location: LOWER Parking lot at Seidersville Rd and Mountain Dr

Ride Time: Meet at 5:15, riding by 5:30 (we start riding as soon as everyone that signed up arrives, or 5:30 - whichever comes first)

Lights will be needed for this ride.

Ride will be followed by a stop for food and :beer:

Rain cancels.

Event Type: 

Nemo Ride

Sat, 02/09/2013 - 10:00am to 1:00pm

If Nemo flops, anybody up for a ride tomorrow at Sals or SMB? And yes, I realize by writing that, I likely guaranteed that at least 2 feet of snow will fall now. At least I never get flats on the trail.

Event Type: 

Wednesday Ride - Salisbury

Wed, 02/06/2013 - 5:15pm to 7:30pm

All riders are welcome. We stop and re-group often, nobody ever gets dropped.

Meeting Location: parking lot at the end of Dodson St.

Ride Time: Meet at 5:15, riding by 5:30 (we start riding as soon as everyone that signed up arrives, or 5:30 - whichever comes first)

Lights will be needed for this ride.

Ride will be followed by a stop for food and :beer:

Rain cancels.

Event Type: 

SMB Ride

Sun, 02/03/2013 - 10:00am to 2:15pm

Riding SMB tomorrow, meeting at the lower (Seidersville) lot. Shooting for a couple hours, depending on weather and conditions. Bring your booties, some food and plan for a fun day on snowy trails.

Event Type: 

*canceled* Wednesday Ride - Salisbury

Wed, 01/30/2013 - 5:15pm to 7:30pm

All riders are welcome. We stop and re-group often, nobody ever gets dropped.

Meeting Location: parking lot at the end of Dodson St.

Ride Time: Meet at 5:15, riding by 5:30 (we start riding as soon as everyone that signed up arrives, or 5:30 - whichever comes first)

Lights will be needed for this ride.

Ride will be followed by a stop for food and :beer:

Rain cancels.

Event Type: 
