Current Trex Happenings, Dec 2012

Here's whats currently happening:

1) Andrew has the trail signs and the County just dug up some sign posts for us. We may need some help installing these and I will need to buy bolts/hardware and maybe a post hammer (~$15?). As soon as the signposts are in I'll post a trailwork day

2) The County has dug holes for the donated sycamore and red maple trees sitting by the horse stable. Tentatively, Andrew and I are gonna plant them this Saturday the 22nd.

3) I got a final directive from the County as to what areas we can expand into. A final RFQ is being drafted. Upon Lorne's and Andrew's urging (and one of the trail consultants) I tried to talk the County into expanding the land area down to the enviro center and its parking lot.

Bad news: They said no, they want to preserve areas of the park for other users.
Good news: We can use the Border Trail from the parking lot north to the mtb loop. (Maybe we can talk them into uprgading the Border Trail to sustainable specs.)

Trex Designated Expansion Area Map2.jpg