Figured I would make this public as it was in the local paper.......
You are invited to join the staff of Nockamixon State Park and the Pa Parks and Forest Foundation to explore the idea of launching a friends group for Nockamixon State Park on Monday October 17th, 2011 at 6:30 PM at the park Education Center. Enter through the Marina entrance off of Route 563, go to the stop sign and turn right. Park in the first lot on your left, Lot 12. Follow the trail to the Education Center. *Please bring a flashlight with you.* If you are interested in attending the meeting please call the Park Office at 215-529-7300 or email
The friends group will be a non - profit 501(c) (3) group made up of all the current user groups like boaters, hunters, hikers, bike riders, horse riders and other user groups. The friends group will be able to seek donations in cash and products that will be used to complete many projects that need attention in the park. Most importantly will be the man power that the friends group will be able to put forward to accomplish these tasks. We would like to get at least 1 member from each of these groups to attend but all are welcomed.
The Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation (PPFF), a non-profit organization formed in 1999, assists motivated citizens, businesses, and local organizations in forming friends groups to support a state owned park or forest. Working with the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources (DCNR), the PPFF will help craft a group that reflects the needs of the park or forest and the interests of the participants.
A friends group consists of motivated people and organizations in the community that understands the value and benefits of a state park or forest and share a common goal to work with PPFF and the DCNR in making that park or forest the best in the Commonwealth. These groups are not government advisory groups, but they are often an important source of support and public comments.
The goals of a friends group are unique, crafted to fit the needs of the park or forest and the talent and interests of the friends group. At the meeting, we will explore the needs of Nockamixon State Park, discuss the ideas of the potential friend’s group members, and decide on the next steps.