VMB Committee Update: Downsizing

To all VMB members:

Valley Mountain Bikers has come a long way in the past few years thanks to the combined efforts of its officers and membership. We have developed a first-class trail system admired throughout the region; undertaken landmark work representing a first-of-its-kind mountain biking project in a Pennsylvania state park; and continued execution of plans with great potential at Trex. As a result, VMB has received recognition by, and respect from, several governmental and land management organizations. Few clubs can boast of the successes that VMB has had over the past several years.

Recent officer elections and the approach of the 2011 riding season mark an opportune moment to evaluate the club's overall direction and purpose. Part of this effort involves reorganizing VMB's committee structure to better reflect the club's current trailwork schedule at Sals, Nox, and Trex while focusing on the expansion of our social calendar. Thus, the Membership, Grants, Glen Park, Jacobsburg, Jordan, South Mountain - Emmaus, and Whitehall Parkway committees will be discontinued for the following two reasons:

1.) VMB wants to ensure that our club represents itself well when we commit our volunteer resources. We need to utilize our limited number of resources as effectively as possible.

2.) While there are many worthy projects, VMB must focus on the commitments we have already made at Sals, Nox, and Trex.

Any one of these committees may be resurrected at some future point in time as member interests demand. We still feel that committees represent the most effective way for both club members to get involved as well as for the club as a whole to accomplish even greater things. So please express your interest in participating in the club, either through one of the remaining committees, by asking for a new committee, or by simply presenting your ideas to the club. VMB represents YOUR club and we are looking forward to a FUN and productive 2011!


Your 2011 VMB Officers