Fitness Central Jordan Ride

Wednesday, June 1, 2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Every Wednesday we will be leading 2 rides from the tennis court parking lot at Jordan Creek Parkway so there is something available for everybody.

1. Social, casual pace ride. This ride will stop frequently to regroup and cover approximately 8-10 miles. Expect to ride until 7:15 or so.

2. Fast paced training ride. This ride is intended for those riders seeking more riding and less socializing. We will cover approximately 15-20 miles and ride until 7:15-7:30 or until it gets dark.

All riders must have a working mountain bike, helmet, water and spare tube. Rain cancels. See you on the trail.

Ride road as well? Click on the following link to view our google calendar with our entire weekly ride schedule.