I hate to even waste your time with this but my nit-wit, non-VMB friend lost his shoe on a ride and asked me to post this on the website. (I suspect there must have been alot of post ride beer consumption going on...I mean losing a glove is one thing but a shoe...they're attached to your feet...you think he'd know if it was missing...Duh!) Anyway, if you found an Adidas road shoe (you'll know it, it will smell real bad) at either South Mtn. Emmaus OR Sals St. Lukes (I know, You don't have to tell me, he must have been really liquored up to not even have a general idea where it is...I'd bet it's still attached to his other foot and he's too hungover to notice). If you do happen to see it please pick it up and give Jeff Bays a call at 610/248-6011.
John AKA El Bikobandito