They're out there - now!
My little trek at Sals on Saturday resulted in 10 ticks between two of us...
Pennsylvania is bad and the Sals area is a known hotbed.
This from a recent email I received:
Penna tops Nation Again in Lyme Disease
If you're out there hunting or hiking or wildlife-watching, you should be aware that Pennsylvania has more Lyme disease cases than any other state, according to the Center for Disease Control.
You don't have to be bushwhacking through the forest to be fair game for the black-legged tick. You could be fishing, mowing the lawn or having a picnic.
Deer around your home makes you more at risk. Being near other animals such as white-footed mice and chipmunks increases the risk further.
Lyme Disease is insidious because many of those infected with Lyme Disease don't have the telltale rash. Blood tests don't always detect it and it is often misdiagnosed because it resembles many other diseases.
. . . From an article by John-Michael Stern, Harrisburg PA Patriot-News.
Deer ticks (AKA black-legged) also carry Erlichiosis and Babesiosis. Both are nasty, debilitating (and potentially fatal) illnesses. Google those two & watch out. There are bad things out there