South Mountain Sausage Party

The Saturday snowstorm was really cool -- it reminded me of riding in Vermont as those conditions were an almost daily occurance. EWR Factory Team rider Craig Lander, Bob Eichlin and myself went out for a few laps in the crazy conditions, trying to chase down Matt Hosfeld's group. Ultimately, we criss crossed each others tracks but never made contact in our quest to do 3 hours of riding time.

It was a crazy day. We came across a trio of hunters dragging two big deer out of the woods and had a long conversation with them about biking, hunting and all things outdoors. It was kind of weird chatting nonchalontly while two formerly live animals lay at their feet. I don't have a problem with hunters or hunting, it is just not bag of tea. Hey, at least by dragging them down mountain, they packed the snow for our climb...

On the way out getting cold and hungry from our day, we came across Marty and company doing something in the woods. They were crunching around gathering wood -- we had to stop. Marty said"what's up, we have four people and six sausages and apples..." Craig said "I'm glad Bob left!" Marty had all the fixins'; sausages wrapped in apple peels in a cooker, peeled apples with cinnamon, hot chocolate, and matches. We made a little fire and cooked out right there just off on the trail on the Ono climb.

It was stellar! Good conversation, fresh Italian rolls, apple smoked sausage and hot coal-baked cinnamon apples. We could not believe our luck, and it was by far the best fire-cooked sausage I've ever had. Sitting by the fire, it just really set in that everyone has a place on this mountain, the charm of a campfire is universal, and winter training rides are about different numbers than heart-rate, elevation and hours. It is about miles of smiles, ri-gawd-damned-diculous stories and adventures and staying out all day without a care.

Thanks, Marty -- you rule!

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