Robbie rides his balls off, and I ran them over...

Robbie is no softie. Quite the opposite, as he has logged roughly thousands of hard and pulverizing miles in the saddle this season. Rather befittingly, he crushed and numbingly pummled his posterior so hard this year that today he literally rode his balls off.

Poor thing, Robbie really did lose his balls today at Sals. In an attempt to keep them intact, Sara, Rob's wife and pit crew had even secured them with a zip-tie loop to hold them up and in place (Rob says). But they, well, crawled up under his saddle (probably looking for a a safe place to hide) and dropped off. Robbie was then suddenly crashing all over the place and walking down the steep parts for the rest of the ride. He was in tears -- he said that he would have brought them home if he could have found his balls, gently cradling them in his lobster mits until they could have been warmed up. As it is, they are now unceremonioulsy lying in the snow and dirt somewhere up at Sals near the switchback climb, with my tire tracks going right over them. Poor Robbie -- I ran right over his balls.

If you see or find Robbie's missing balls, please post here. Robbie really wants his balls back for the coming season. There is a good chance you'll find them if you are at Sals on New Years day. In fact, whomever does find them will get a goodie package from EWR Bikes and Cannondale. Robbie's balls mean that much to him, and Sara is speachless.

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