Trexler Trails Dig Day

Sunday, October 12, 2008 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

The time has come to get this new trail network started at the Lehigh Valley Zoo (formerly Trexler Game Preserve). We need as much help as possible so come on out and help us dig, cut and chop our way through the brush. Some tools will be provided but if you have a machete, sheers or other trimming tools please bring them along. I don't know where the trail head is going to be so my thought is to meet at the parking lot of Fitness Central (4337 Rte. 309, Schnecksville, about a 1/4 mi before Game Preserve Rd traveling north) at 9:00 on Sunday October 12th. If someone has a better meeting place in mind let me know or if it would be better to do it the week after because of the IMBA trail clinic going on we can change it. Thanks