Well, at least better for mountain bikers and other trail users. The park has more than 18 miles of trails open to bikes, and still gets a lot of use from mountain bikers. But there are few people maintaining the trails and it shows in places. The park manager, Rob Neitz, has approached us, local riders, and two great shops--Saucon Valley Bikes and Curt's Cyclery-- about improving the trails there, and increasing mountain bike opportunities. Equestrians are also part of the conversation and want to help--all the park users see the need for better trails and managing user experiences. We know the park has challenges, especially with many of the legacy trails, and heavy use from lots of users. But there's also potential, if a few people want to get involved, to create a better experience for mountain bikers. We want to take things slow, guage interest from riders, see what kind of support we get from local riders, and clearly weight the risks and opportunities. Initially, we hope to help solidify a small team to lead some maintenance projects there to improve trails. There's also a strong possibility that we can dedicate a trail as mountain bike only, or potentially create some mountain bike specific features or terrain. There are challenges, of course, but also some exciting opportunities. We're having a meeting with the park manager on Sept 8 at 6:30 to solidify some plans. If you are interested in helping let us know.