From PRESERVE, Newsletter of Pennsylvania Department of Conservation And Natural Resources, September/October 2011
Volunteers - Where Would Our Public Lands Be Without Them?
In all too many instances, the answer to that is "nowhere you would want to be!" In each issue of PRESERVE, we'll shine our spotlight on the people who, largely without anybody realizing it, make your visit to the parks and forests a pleasant experience.
First up? Valley Mountain Bikers of the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia Mountain Biking Association, who began meeting with Nockamixon State Park in 2008 with the idea of building a mountain biking facility. With public input, much surveying and scouting, and scrupulous adherence to sustainable trail practices, these affiliates of the International Mountain Bicycling Association built ten miles of mountain biking trails for beginners and advanced riders alike. On Sunday, October 9th, after three long years of hard work (check out the photo) a gala grand opening is planned. Keep an eye on VMB's website for more details on the christening of this terrific new trail system.
Don't you want to get out and move some rocks, too? You're in luck! National Public Lands Day is September 24th and as of this writing there are 39 NPLD events taking place in Pennsylvania on that one day alone. Put your talents to work - maybe you'll learn a new skill, make new friends and remember what it means to Be Involved!
Our calendar of events tracks volunteer opportunities sponsored by our Chapters and is a great first stop when the need to volunteer strikes. Did you know that DCNR also maintains a comprehensive calendar of state park and forest activities? It's searchable in many ways, including by category. And Volunteers is one of the categories.