Tuesday Night Race Training Series

Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm

Tuesday Night Race Training Series begins! This is a fun skills clinic event for meant to enhance your racing pursuits. We will focus upon specific technical skills that will aid in things cornering and line choice, log crossing, climbing and descents, strategy, momentum, etc. -- all the things that may create faster overall times in your next event. There are many great competitive events throughout the remainder of the season, so I look forward to witnessing your progression as racers.

This is NOT a fitness ride -- it is a technique-based clinic and there will be a lot of standing time as each one of you gets to try the individual sections. For fitness coaching, there are many local resources for that.

This is #1 in a series, of which I'll announce future upcoming dates and locations. I will try to enlist guest appearances from regional Pro XC racers to help, and there will be other surprises in store. I will have Raw Revolution energy bars for sampling at this event, so if you do try them, please contact the company and let them know you sampled them at this event and support their business with a purchase if you like.

Kenny will be supplying post event gallons of ice cream from Owowcow Organic Creamery in Ottsville, PA (so he says...).