My Annual R.B. Winter Ride CANCELED

Sunday, October 13, 2013 - 7:00am to 4:00pm

I took some time off from mountain biking recently, but I realized the error of my ways and now I'm back, and so to get back in shape I'm setting myself a goal: not keel over and die on this hilly, 25+ mile, mixed single- and doubletrack epic...

Raymond B. Winter State Park is just outside Lewisburg, maybe 130 miles or so away on I-80 West. The park itself is not too big, but it's right next to Bald Eagle State Forest, and there are endless miles of trails and jeep roads accessible from the park's MTB-friendly parking lot. The terrain is typical northern PA (ie rocky, hilly), and the ride I know alternates between singletrack trails and Forest Service road climbs. With any luck, we'll be riding through the peak of fall foliage season.

The basic ride will look a lot like this course, though I may try to remove some of the more boring road stuff at the end.

Figure on this being an all day event, considering that it's 2 hours or more from the Lehigh Valley to the trailhead, and we'll probably be four or more hours in the saddle. -- we can make carpool/caravan arrangements as the day gets closer.