Hopefully the first in a series...
Meet at the RR station in downtown Jim Thorpe, at 9:00 AM for a 9:30 ride start. After a three mile warmup, the "real" ride starts with a 1000 foot climb, so be ready. Also be ready to get your feet wet, and to spend a good portion of the day riding in the woods (ie bring adequate food and water), and to do a (very short) stretch of of extreme portaging -- I'm somewhat afraid of heights and this section is not beyond me, but if you have a real phobia this ride might not be for you.
Other than that, I'm not saying what the ride will entail, mainly because I don't know yet, but also to ensure that no one can meet up with us after skipping the hard parts...
The terrain will be moderately difficult with a few challenging sections, and the pace will be social.