General Membership Meeting

Tuesday, February 28, 2012 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm

Location and agenda TBA, just blocking out the date and time.

UPDATE: We have a location and agenda.

The location will be at Hello Burrito in Bethlehem.

The agenda will be:

Proposed changes to the by-laws (see list of motions below from the January board meeting)

Vote to remove Scott Stortz as President

Treasurer report

Nox updates
Trex updates
Sals updates

EnduroRama Update

Changes to the website

Open Discussion


Motion: to change “board of officers” to “board” in 3.3 & 3.6.

Motion: Change “section 3.4” to “section 3.6” in section 3.5

Motion: Article 5.7 Vacancies. In the event of an officer vacancy, the board will appoint a replacement to take office immediately. Officer to be confirmed by the membership.

Motion: Article 5.1.1 The Board shall consist of no more than five board members in addition to the officers.
Motion carried unanimously (3 officers, 5 board members)

Motion: 5.1.2 A Board member’s term is from the time of appointment and approval, through March 31 of the year following their appointment and approval, unless the board member was approved between January first and March 31, in which case the board member’s term starts April first.

Motion: Article 5.1.3 There shall be at least one board meeting between January first and March 31.

Motion: Change Article 5.2: add text “after April first” between “of the Board” and “they shall elect.”

Motion: Article 5.6 Removal of Officers or Board members. Any Officer or Board member may be removed at any time by a two thirds majority vote of those present at a meeting of the members of VMB if the meeting notice listed removal of an officer or board member as one of the agenda items. The reason or reasons for the proposed removal shall be made available to all members present, and shall be recorded in the minutes of the meetings.

Motion: Change “5.7 Duties of the officers” to “5.8 duties of the Board”

Motion: Article 6.2 add “to observe, or provide input if recognized by a Board member.”

Motion: In article 7.5 delete “, including online discussions.”