Fitness Central Jordan Ride

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 - 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Tonight's the night. Wendesday night Jordan Ride with Fitness Central. We have a two ride format this year with a fast paced and a casual paced ride going out at 5:30. Meet at the tennis court parking lot at Jordan Creek Parkway and look for the Fc jerseys.

Fast pace - ride is at an 8-9 mph average pace. We ride together but do not stop at all intersections and wait. If you like a faster pace, join this ride. If you are not feeling especially fast today, check out our casual paced ride. We usually cover about 15 miles.

Casual pace - ride is at a slower average speed because of stopping and regrouping. This ride is intended for riders looking for a more social, casual type of ride. We usually cover about 10 miles.

If you find you have chosen the wrong ride, don't fret. Jordan is a pretty tight network and chances are you will hook up with the other ride shortly.

Rain cancels. All riders must have a woorking mountain bike, helmet, spare tube and water. See you on the trail.