**CANCELED** Easter Bunnyhop Beg/Int Skills Clinic @ Nox 4/23

Saturday, April 23, 2011 - 10:00am to 12:01pm

**UPDATED FRIDAY 4/22 9:30pm**
Unfortunately, we decided to cancel this event due to the rainy forecast. Rain is going to move in and conducting a riding event would create too much potential damage for the new trail system.

We are working on a re-schedule date, possibly next Saturday. We apologize if this is an inconvenience for any of you.

BTW, Kenny has decided to conduct a mechanical skills clinic regarding hydraulic brake rebuilding, rotors, drivetrain maintainence and the like. You are welcome to this hands on rain event -- he is working on his truck.

Stay tuned for the re-scheduled clinic.


Now that the season has officially begun, it's a great time for a Beginner Intermediate level Skills Clinic on the new trails at Nockamixon. We will focus upon foundation and skills: proper set-up, stance on the bike, then specific balance skills and weighting when cornering, descending, climbing, log crossing, stream G-outs, etc. The trails sound like they are perfect of this. Former Pro and all around bad-ass Jay Schwartz from Mt. Perk Cycles will most likely be instructing as well so you'll get to ride with Good Jay and Evil Jay (not sure who's who).

This is still developing, but we'll most likely meet at the Tower Road parking area and go from there. Kenny will be riding in an Easter Bunny outfit all day, too. More details to follow.