VMB Hike with Salisbury officials at WPP

Lately, it sometimes seems that there's so much good stuff that this club is involved with — I can't keep track of it all. There are so many members who help make new trails, access, club growth, organization, etc. a reality...

I think it's worth sharing some of the stuff that VMB is involved with "behind the scenes."

This morning, members of the VMB Salisbury Trail Committee hiked a nice portion of the trail system with several officials from Salisbury Towship. As a master plan comes together for the future of the park, those of you who know and love the trail network that VMB built there should be happy to learn that VMB and mountain biking have a bright future there and quite the positive image in the eyes of those who joined us for today's hike.

Today's visit provided first-hand evidence of the positive effect VMB efforts have had at Walking Purchase Park. Not sure if I can convey how cool it is to "show off" the trails there while trail runners and cyclists pass by, knowing that, prior to our efforts the picture there was very different.

Thanks to everyone who gives a little bit.